I wanted to put out a quick post about a wonderful opportunity from Post Grape Nuts. Grape Nuts is celebrating the 60th anniversary of
Sir Edmund Hillary's historic summit of Mount Everest. Apparently Sir Edmund Hillary took grape nuts along with him to the summit 60 years ago. To commemorate the anniversary, Grape Nuts is
looking for a few good outdoor types to summit a local peak (of your choice) and take some new
Grape Nuts Fit Cereal samples with you. If you apply (and are selected) Grape Nuts will send you a free High Sierra daypack, a summit flag, and some sample cereal, bowls and spoons to hand out on the summit. If you take a picture of your trip and send it back to Grape Nuts, they will give you $500 cash. Not a bad deal.
I applied to be a Summit Sampler myself. This is how it works. You have until April 19th to apply to be a Summit Sampler. If selected you get the gear and summit the mountain indicated in your application on or around May 29th (the actual anniversary of Hillary's Everest Summit). Take a picture of your trip, and you get $500 cash.
Follow the link here to apply, I hope to see you on the summit with some Grape Nuts in hand.